Well it appears that there was a reason behind The Boo having a few bad nights - she was cutting another two teeth! I discovered this news when she bit down on one of my fingers and I was left with four little indents on one side, instead of the expected two. My pain soon changed to pride, as I gently lifted up her top lip and found two more pearly-whites framing her two front teeth. I couldn't believe it! They were tiny, but sharp as hell! So that's now six teeth she has and her smile has been changing and getting lovelier with each new addition.
She's really coming along in leaps and bounds lately. Her legs have grown longer and most of her little leggings and trousers now end at her knees. The health visitor who carried out her 10 month development assessment thought they were supposed to be cropped! I have started to dress her in the next size but the waist bands are a bit baggy still.
I am very happy to report that The Boo did really well at the assessment and is meeting all the development milestones. She has also learned how to wave and give high-fives! She has mastered clapping and does it frequently. She puts things to her ear like a phone and says 'hiya'. She loves to point all the time, at anything and everything. The Boo has a sense of humour and an infectious laugh which makes my heart swell. She uses her high chair as a walker by standing underneath it, holding the legs and pushing it around. She has begun to shake her head when she hears the word 'no'. She can climb the stairs. (This fact frightens me somewhat.) She has learned how to undo the little Velcro straps and remove her shoes.
New things The Boo has experienced recently:
Being on the sidelines at a football match, vomiting repeatedly all over herself in the bath (best place for it!), homemade chilli con carne, spaghetti carbonara and fish and chips.
Talking of food, I joined Weight Watchers last night and today is the first day of my new healthy eating lifestyle! I have not, and will not, call it the 4 letter 'd' word, as that immediately makes me think I can't have certain food and therefore want everything!! It's so true that you always want what you can't have! So the key will be to allow myself everything, so long as I am honest and include the proper points. That way I can really stay focused and in control. And hopefully, knowing I can eat cake, might mean I won't bother!!