Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Sunshine Days

We've had so many hours of sunshine recently and many opportunities to get outside for some fun. There have been walks to the local park, where The Boo and I enjoyed repeated cycles of climbing up the frame and down the slide. (Yes, me too!) I've killed my thighs squatting and pretending to be light enough to share the seesaw with her. The Boo has complained about going too high and too fast on the baby swing but then enjoyed the full freedom of the adult one!

We have all been relaxing in the garden, weeding, deadheading and watering the flowers. Laying on the grass and watching the clouds. Games of football when daddy gets home from work and general frolicking and mucking about!

The Boo wants to do everything by herself. Where I once helped her get dressed, she now tells me off and shoo's my hands away. Same with the fiddly straps of her sandals and her puzzles. She wants to help me do everything too, from helping to change Noah's nappies, getting the washing off the line, to making tea. I let her get the cups out, put in the sugar and teabags. I pour the hot water. She helps pour the milk and stirs and I remove the hot bags. Job done. She really loves to feel helpful and needed and smiles with such satisfaction.

We have started to wean Noah this week. Just baby porridge, mashed banana and pears. He's doing that thing all babies do and pushes the food straight out with his tongue, so it takes a while to get the food in him. The first time he pulled a face but now he smiles and giggles. The Boo isn't so easy to please. She declares she's not hungry at every mealtime and it's an effort to get her to eat anything.