Monday, 10 August 2015

Getting dirty

This last month has been all about de-cluttering the house and getting dirty. My husband and I had been talking about how much 'stuff' we have accumulated since we have moved in - less than 3 years ago - and knew we had a lot of clearing out to do, especially if we want to turn the spare/junk room into a bedroom for Noah. So it was much to my surprise to come across three separate articles about the same particular book on de-cluttering one day. It was The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying by Marie Kondo.

This book is fantastic and I highly recommend it if you are fed up with constant mess around you and want to do something about it. I read it over 2 days and was totally inspired! I even put together a spreadsheet to track exactly how many items I was getting rid of. How did I do? Well, I haven't finished every category yet, but so far my average is clearing out 75% of belongings! Not regretted a thing. Loved getting everything out, going through it, cleaning everything and the place it came from and then putting the fewer things back. Loads of dust moved and removed and The Boo has been a great little helper. 

Other messy activities in our household have included lots of finger painting and baking. Paint over the paper, the table and the tea-towel. Spilt water bowl. Flour and sugar over the counter, the floor and in The Boo's hair. Butter smeared over the utensils and The Boo's hands and face. So much mess to be had, but fun to do and she loves both. 

The Boo has also discovered that there is a bald patch in our lawn, in front of our shed (or rather bloody great big brick built man-shed) which gets very muddy when wet. For the last two days she has taken advantage of this and had herself some muddy fun! Yesterday she did so after I watered the garden and she got her hands and feet dirty. Today she just filled her watering can and soaked the area herself and then included her arms and legs in the mess. Will she try it again tomorrow I wonder? What will she include next time? Her hair? Hopefully not her brother! 

Talking of her brother, he's been getting very messy too at mealtimes. He now happily gums bits of toast, small slices of banana or bits of a cracker or biscuit. He happily munched on Bella's unwanted roast potato! He likes to squash and play with baked beans and peas before he attempts to eat them and if he can get his hands on his puréed food or yogurt, he will joyfully slap his hands in it, on his highchair tray. All good.

These two were taken whilst sitting in the car park, waiting for Grandad! Just thought I should clarify!

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